This morning we needed lot's of (wo)manpower to build all the accomodation that will be needed during Flanders...
King Lance is using it daily in the Tour de France. Even in the world of Rollersport some wellknown athletes are...
On Wednesday and Thursday, the Belgian cadet(te)s, juniors and senior athletes are havin a last 'feeling' with the...
Still 7 days before the big event... the Euro fever increases day by day. Next weekend the website-team will have...
In Belgium, beer is a significant part of our culture. Belgian breweries produce about 800 standard beers. When...
Get ready for the Oostende 'Euro' Rollerparade. On Wednesday the 29th of July the track in Zandvoorde will be...
Curious about the roller speedskating at the World Games
click on the link ! ...