As President of the International Olympic Committee, I congratulate the Zwaantjes Rollerclub Zandvoorde on organising the fifth European Roller Speed Skating Championships.
I wish all the athletes from the various countries taking part, as well as their coaches and support team members, every success in these Championships.
Everyone in Zandvoorde has been working hard to prepare for this high-level event, whether as organisers, athletes or supporters, so I hope that these will be excellent European Championships worthy of the sport of roller speed skating.
In the same way, I hope that these Championships will bring everyone from the different countries taking part closer together in a spirit of sporting fellowship.
A special word of thanks must go to Roland Deroo, a member of the Organising Committee and trainer of the Belgian team, whom I first met as an athlete selected for the World Games in Santa Clara in 1981 when I was Chef de Mission.
Lastly, I hope that these will be clean and sporting Championships, and wish everyone involved the best of luck.
Best sporting regards,
Dr Jacques Rogge
President of the International Olympic Committee