Lot of suspens in the cadet girls category. Point of discussion : did they run 7 or 8 laps ? Afterwards complaints from different corners. Initialy the judges decided to have a re-run after the senior men race, but with all common sense the result remained unchanged. For the rest a good climax after 4 days of road races. The European title score on the realys (road) on Friday evening : Italy - Belgium : a 3-3 drawl.
- Cad. girls : 1. Bel, 2. Neth, 3. Aus
- Cad. boys : 1. Ita, Ger, 3. Fra
- Jun. girls : 1. Ita, 2. Ger, 3. Neth
- Jun. men : 1. Bel, 2. Por, 3. Fra
- Sen. ladies : 1. Ita, 2. Neth, 3. Fra
- Sen. men : 1. Bel, 2. Ita, 3. Fra
Videos available around noon.